The case in question was Canon v Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, initially dealt with in the German Federal Court of Justice (Bundesgerichtshof) and then referred to the Court of Justice of the European Communities for further clarification in 1998. The case dealt with the mark "CANNON", which was applied for registration by MGM in Germany in relation to films recorded onto cassettes and their subsequent uses in distribution and production for example. MGM's application was then objected to by Canon under the old German Trademark Law (Warenzeichengesetz), arguing that their registered trademark "CANON" would be infringed should MGM be allowed to register the word "CANNON". Initially MGM's mark was rejected by the German Patent Office (Deutsches Patentamt) due to the marks being analogous; however a second examiner at the Patent Office dismissed the initial decision and rejected Canon's opposition for lack of similarity. The case was further appealed to the German Federal Patent Court (Bundespatentgericht), where the Court rejected Canon's appeal, deciding the two marks were not similar. The case was then ultimately brought to the aforementioned Federal Court of Justice, from where the case was brought to the European Court of Justice.
Tony proudly carried his badge |
The question can be seen in simpler terms: would the judiciary have to take into account the reputation of an earlier existing mark (in this case CANON) when assessing the registerability of a newer mark (in this case CANNON), even if the public would understand the different origins of the two competing items bearing their respectable marks? What the European Court of Justice emphasized was the tenth recital of the Directive, which states that "...the function of [of a registered trademark]... is in particular to guarantee the trade mark as an indication of origin". This, in the Court's decision: "...enabl[es] [the consumer], without any possibility of confusion, to distinguish the product or service from others which have another origin", adding that " must offer a guarantee that all the goods or services bearing it have originated under the control of a single undertaking which is responsible for their quality". In the Court of Justice's decision, answering the German Federal Court, the earlier mark's reputation has to be taken into account and just the risk of confusion would mean that there is a likelihood of confusion even if the two products have two distinct origins.
A trademark therefore offers a guarantee of quality and origin to the consumer, and has to be protected as such to prevent any confusion to the consumer as to this fact; a badge of origin, as it is often referred to as. Should other marks be allowed to be registered the consumer could be confused, at a quick glance at least. This position has been fully accepted in the UK under the Trade Marks Act 1994, and even in Canada the Canadian Supreme Court in Kirkbi AG v Ritvik Holdings saw that a trademark is "...a symbol of a connection between a source of a product and the product itself"; creating a similar description to what the European Court of Justice did.
As one can clearly see, trademarks offer a unique type of protection and a specific function. The origin of a product or services can be the deciding factor between the consumer purchasing your product rather than the other, and enabling that consumer to fully understand what they are buying is imperative. Trademarks offer this guarantee, protecting both the consumer and the owner of the trademark, making them incredibly valuable to all parties involved.
thanks for the information