Community Registered Designs rarely get their time in the spotlight, but the Supreme Court's decision on the Trunki saga has been one that many intellectual property practitioners have been waiting for. The case is an important one, and sets the tone for the future of 3D registrations as designs, potentially impacting the vast amount of CRDs that use these types of illustrations (mainly through the use of CAD imaging) as their registration. With bated breath this writer awaited the decision, which was published yesterday.
The case of
PMS International Group Plc v Magmatic Limited dealt with the Trunki travel case, designed by Robert Law in the late 1990s (at the time called the 'Rodeo'). The case is intended for kids, allowing them to ride the suitcase as well as use it in its traditional sense, incorporating child-friendly animal themes in its finished look. Mr. Law subsequently sought registration for the design, and attained his CRD in 2003 (No.
43427-0001), exclusively licencing the sale and manufacture of the design to Magmatic Limited, his own company. The registration used CAD imaging in the illustration of the Trunki suitcase, using a degree of tonal contrast to showcase the different components of the design (incorporating no decorations apart from the tonal differentiation of the wheels, "horns" and the strap at the top, for example). PMS International, having noted the success of the Trunki case, designed and manufactured its own version called the Kiddee Case, which incorporated a very similar design and child-friendly decorations (although, as the Court noted, with some distinct elements in the decorations and/or colors used). Magmatic then started the proceedings over the infringement of their design, ultimately culminating in the Supreme Court's decision.
What the Supreme Court had to answer was whether the Kiddee Case
"...produce[s] on the informed user a different overall impression" from the registered Trunki design, therefore not infringing the design. This includes, to put it plainly, the appearance of the two products, especially in the light of the features shown in the CRD, reflecting the choices of the applicant at the time of filing (restricting or broadening the registration based on the inclusion or exclusion of features and/or ornamentation).
The Court had to deal with the disagreement between Justice Arnold and Lord Justice Kitchin in the
first instance and
appeal decisions, which dealt with the absence of ornamentation and the effect of the included two-toned coloring in the CRD documentation as detailed above. Lord Neuberger, handing down the unanimous decision of the Court, dealt with the disagreements in three parts, discussing each affecting element individually per the Court of Appeal's decision.
The horned animal appearance
In the judgment of the Court of Appeal, Lord Justice Kitchin considered that Justice Arnold had not fully given weight to the overall impression of the CRD as a 'horned animal', and the distinction between it and the more 'insect' appearance of the Kiddee Case, resulting in the Kiddee Case not infringing the design.
The Supreme Court agreed with Lord Justice Kitchin, and determined that Justice Arnold had not given proper weight to the overall appearance of the two cases. This is clearly a subjective assessment on Lord Neuberger's part, and this writer, although can see his point, will disagree that the judge did not consider the overall impression. Justice Arnold seemed to focus on the suitcase shape of the CRD, rather than its fanciful impression, and both perspectives can be accepted, however, he did not entirely dismiss the impression the design made as an animal or creature with 'horns'.
Decoration of the Kiddee Case
Similarly, Lord Justice Kitchin disagreed with Justice Arnold on the ornamentation of the Kiddee Case, and the lack thereof in the CRD. In his mind, the lack of ornamentation made the overall impression of the CRD seem more like a horned animal, whereas the ornamentation in the Kiddee Case highlighted its distinction from the former as a bug with antennae (or a tiger with ears), forming a wholly different impression on an informed user.
Intricate design or not, Trevor struggled with suitcases |
The Supreme Court, again, agreed with Lord Justice Kitchin, confirming that
"...the absence of decoration on the CRD reinforced the horned animal impression made by the CRD". Lord Neuberger did, however, consider that the inclusion of some ornamentation could potentially detract from the overall impression given as a horned animal, if sufficiently distinctive or eye-catching. This writer would wholly disagree with Lord Neuberger, and thinks that the lack of ornamentation should focus the inspection on the non-fanciful elements of the infringing product, and should not be included in the consideration of overall impression. What is important in the CRD is the shape or design of the product, and the lack of ornamentation should focus the assessment on just that, the design, rather than additional elements that can (arguably) be irrelevant to the design of an item, rather than its aesthetic appearance.
Lord Neuberger did address the appellant's concerns over the lack of ornamentation and its impact on a CRD (or in subsequent infringement actions), albeit
obiter. In his mind the
"... absence of decoration can, as a matter of principle, be a feature of a registered design" and that
"...if absence of ornamentation is a feature of a registered design, that does not mean that because an item has ornamentation, it cannot, for that reason alone, infringe the registered design in question: it merely means that the fact that an allegedly infringing item has ornamentation is a factor which can be taken into account when deciding whether or not it does infringe that design".
His Lordship focused on the images as CAD images, rather than line drawings, and determined that the lack of ornamentation (although including colors and/or textures) would be treated as potentially distinguishing in the former, but not the latter. The inclusion of ornamentation reinforced the former point on distinction as different creatures, rather than be a full point of contention in its own right. He concluded that (again, obiter)
"...the point of principle [is] that absence of ornamentation can be a feature of a Community Registered Design".
The two-toned coloring of the CRD
The final point of contention was Lord Justice Kitchin's disagreement in the use of tonal colors in the CRD, meaning the difference in color (gray and black) in some features, like the wheels or the strap on top. In his mind, the difference is an
intention to include contrasting colors, rather than to simply distinguish the components, which implies a desire to use those contrasting colors in the actual registration as defining features. This brought into focus the color scheme of the Kiddee Case, further impacting the above assessment on its overall impression through these ornamental features. Arguably one can agree with the Supreme Court here, as the inclusion of different colors will be taken as that, even if the clear intention to differentiate the parts was not there at the time the application was drafted. Whether this is necessary or useful for the purposes of CAD drawings is beyond this writer's knowledge, but would be an interesting aspect of discussion if this is indeed the case.
Lord Neuberger agreed with Lord Justice Kitchin, and saw that the inclusion of contrasting colors in the registration (with or without the intent to do so) bares a need for the items to be compared in the same vein, i.e. through an assessment of not only shape, but color as well. He concluded that
"...the design claimed in this case was for a wheeled suitcase in the shape of a horned animal, but that it was not a claim for the shape alone, but for one with a strap, strips and wheels and spokes in a colour (or possibly colours) which contrasted with that of the remainder of the product". The Supreme Court therefore upheld the decision of the Court of Appeal, and saw that the Kiddee Case did not infringe the CRD and made a different overall impression to the Trunki.
The Supreme Court also rejected a referral to the Court of Justice of the EU, determining that there is no question that requires answering, even in the light of the consideration that a lack of ornamentation could be a feature, which will remain a point of contention.
The case clearly will alter CRD practice, especially when CAD images are quite often used as the basis of the registration (with line drawings clearly being the preferred option from now on). What this writer finds perplexing is the lack of concrete answers, especially in the light of the question of a lack of ornamentation as a feature, and further laments the Supreme Court's rejection of a referral to the CJEU on these points. Lord Neuberger restricted his comments to obiter only, and a lack of referral will leave this question in the shade for the foreseeable future. Nevertheless, the Trunki saga has been an eventful one, and this writer has enjoyed the ride, but is saddened by the Supreme Court's lack of answers and an arguable wrong outcome.